Our History
Southside Baptist Church
Wyldewood Baptist Church was founded in June of 1961 under the name “Southside Baptist Church.” It was located on the south side of Oshkosh in a former Methodist church building, on the corner of 11th and Minnesota. A handful of people gathered under the leadership of Pastor Doug Kasten and began to build a Bible-believing, independent Baptist church. For a brief time, the church was also pastored by Ilah Claycomb, until June of 1965, when Pastor Howard Nelson was called to lead the church.
Wyldewood Baptist Church
Wyldewood Baptist Church was founded in June of 1961 under the name “Southside Baptist Church.” It was located on the south side of Oshkosh in a former Methodist church building, on the corner of 11th and Minnesota. A handful of people gathered under the leadership of Pastor Doug Kasten and began to build a Bible-believing, independent Baptist church. For a brief time, the church was also pastored by Ilah Claycomb, until June of 1965, when Pastor Howard Nelson was called to lead the church.
Wyldewood Christian School
A Christian school was opened, with 50 students enrolled in grades K-12. Wyldewood Christian School continues to maintain high academic standards and Biblical principles, helping Christian families educate their children in a godly atmosphere.
Couriers for Christ Founded
Couriers for Christ was founded. The focus of these men and their wives is to provide Bibles, Christian literature, and other needed material to the former Eastern Bloc countries. Through this thriving ministry more than a million pieces of literature have been given out to these needy people.
Bearing Precious Seed Founded
The church starts a Bible publishing ministry, called “Bearing Precious Seed.” This ministry prints and distributes Bibles right from our facilities in Oshkosh. To date, 35 countries around the globe have had their language published, much of the focus being Central and South America. The scripture is provided to the missionaries at no cost, with churches across America partnering to help make this financially possible. In 1996 the Virginia Nelson Memorial Print Shop was built to allow individuals to personally assemble Bibles and Biblical literature, greatly enhancing the publishing ministry.
Randy King becomes pastor of WWBC
After serving as the associate for 18 years, Pastor Randall King was chosen to succeed Pastor Nelson in 1988. Under his leadership, the church has grown to more than 500.
Scandinavians for
Christ Founded
Pastor Nelson, after stepping down as Senior Pastor founded “Scandinavians For Christ,” a mission outreach to Norway, Sweden, and Finland.
Virginia Nelson Memorial Print Shop Built
The Virginia Nelson Memorial Print Shop was built to allow individuals to personally assemble Bibles and Biblical literature, greatly enhancing the publishing ministry.
Wings as Eagles makes Wyldewood their Home
The church becomes the home church for the missionary aviation ministry, “Wings As Eagles.” This ministry serves mission fields around the world by providing transportation for pastors, missionaries, and support teams who serve on the field. These dedicated men operate a hangar at Whittman field with 3 planes which are used to train young men and transport people to the mission field.
Jason Brenenstuhl becomes pastor of WWBC
The congregation extended the call to Jason Brenenstuhl to become the new Senior Pastor. Now, Pastor King serves as the Missions Pastor here at Wyldewood, providing direction and vision to expand the mission ministries.
New Building Addition is Completed
The church outgrows the old auditorium and completes its new auditorium with additional facilities. The old auditorium is renamed to "Nelson Chapel".
Present Day
We continue to seek more ways to honor God, help Christians, and reach the lost for Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reach our community with the gospel message of repentance and faith. We believe that all people everywhere need a Saviour, and that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. Our ministry, both here and abroad, is to make plain God’s plan of salvation through the atoning blood of His only begotten Son.